Frequently Asked Questions
If you don't find the answer to your question here or on any of our other pages, please contact the registrar's office via email at
How do I order an official or unofficial transcript? For instructions for ordering transcripts, visit our Requesting Transcripts page.
How do I change my address? You may fill out an address change form and submit it to the registrar's office, or send an email to including your updated address, student ID number, and let us know whether others in your household are changing their address as well.
How do I change my name? If you want to change your name in Linfield University and have updated legal documents, please schedule a Non-Confidential Name Change appointment (video call or in person) with the Office of the Registrar. Be prepared with photo ID and a social security card with your new name on it. If you do not have updated legal documents but still need your name changed, please schedule a Confidential Name Change appointment with the University Registrar.
If you would like to change your preferred name (on class rosters, etc), you can do this on self-service.
How do I get an enrollment verification? Request an Enrollment Verification through Self-Service. See our degree/enrollment verifications page for more information about verifications.
How do I change my schedule? You may change your schedule on Student Self-Service until the fifth day of classes (or the second day of Jan/summer terms). After this time (or if you are unable to add a class without instructor consent) use the online add/drop form.
When is the last day to add or drop a class? Add, Drop, Withdraw deadlines Event Standard Calendar
January and Summer TermsStandard Calendar
Fall and Spring SemestersAccelerated Calendar
Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer SemestersLast day to change schedule in Student Self-Service Day 2 Day 5 Day 5 Last day to add a course
Use Etrieve formDay 2 Day 10 Day 10 Last day to drop a course (no W)
Use Etrieve formEnd of Week 1 End of Week 3 End of Week 2 Last day to withdraw from a course (W grade)
Use Etrieve formJan: End of Week 3
Summer: End of Week 6End of Week 10 End of Week 7 - See the academic calendar for term-specific dates.
How do I know when my finals are? Visit the finals schedule webpage.
How do I know when I can register for next semester? See the registration schedule to determine when your registration time is based on your total completed credits.