Undergraduate Degrees and Requirements
Linfield’s curriculum seeks to broaden intellectual horizons, underscore the centrality of how one learns, provide a historical context, relate ideas to social structures, and affirm the importance of values in human life. The liberal arts curriculum is coherent and useful in preparing students to seek knowledge and improve skills throughout their lives. Linfield’s curriculum is designed to help people develop their full humanity, with an emphasis on freedom of mind and spirit. It also illuminates their shared cultural heritage, and involves students and teachers alike in the fundamental concerns upon which the future depends.
The academic program is available on a year-round calendar with 15-week fall and spring semesters, a four to five-week January term, and a 9 to 11-week summer term. A typical semester course load for a student is 12-16 credits.
The student’s program of studies will include courses in four categories: general education, major study in an area of interest, electives providing variety and stimulation, and paracurricular courses with a practical activity-centered orientation.
Degrees Offered
The college offers three undergraduate degrees. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees are available on the McMinnville Campus and through Online and Continuing Education. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) degree is available on the Portland Campus and to students in the online R.N. to B.S.N. program.
Requirements for Degrees
To obtain a bachelor’s degree, students must meet the following requirements: