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About Linfield's Chaplaincy

Where faith and knowledge meet, and truth and justice embrace.

What is the chaplain's office?

The chaplain’s office exists to nurture and develop spirituality, faith and religious life at Linfield University through worship services, fellowship groups, community service, lectures, retreats, individual conversations and interfaith dialogue.

Who is the chaplain's office for?

While rooted in the Christian tradition, the chaplain’s office supports students of all faiths and no faith. In addition to walking alongside students, faculty and staff as they live into their own faith identity, the chaplain’s office serves as a bridge between the many religious traditions present at Linfield, fostering dialogue, understanding and respect.

University Chaplain Jeremy Richards is especially concerned with issues of religious and spiritual trauma and is always available to speak with those who have been hurt by religion in the past.

The chaplain’s office recognizes the many harms that have been perpetrated by institutional religion against marginalized communities, including the BIPOC community, women and the LGBTQIA+ community. We are committed to being a place of welcome, inclusion and healing, where individuals are celebrated for who they are – all of who they are.

Contact the chaplain

The chaplain’s office is committed to supporting each person’s faith journey on campus. Please reach out! We'd love to connect with you.

Rev. Jeremy Richards
University Chaplain and Director of Service Leadership
Riley 301