Grief and Loss Resources
For those going through the grieving process, it is common to have both physical and emotional responses and reactions. Taking care of yourself, seeking support and acknowledging your feelings during these times are ways that can help you cope.
If you would like to speak with someone about your experiences with grief, please contact the chaplain's office at 503-883-2259. You can set up a confidential appointment or just meet to talk.
Normal reactions to grief:
- Having difficulty concentrating
- Feeling sad or depressed
- Being irritable or angry
- Feeling frustrated or misunderstood
- Experiencing anxiety, nervousness or fearfulness
- Experiencing guilt or remorse
- Being ambivalent
- Feeling numb
- Lacking energy and motivation
- Withdrawal
Coping with grief:
- Talk to family and friends
- Seek counseling and/or spiritual support
- Read poetry or books
- Engage in social activities
- Exercise and eat healthy foods
- Join a support group
- Be patient with yourself
- Let yourself feel grief
Supporting others who are grieving:
- Be a good listener
- Ask about their feelings and loss
- Offer practical help
- Acknowledge the pain
- Let them feel sad
- Be patient
- Do not minimize grief
Web resources:
- How to Navigate Grief and Loss as a College Student
- HealGrief
- ModernLoss
- The Dougy Center
- Counseling Resources at Linfield
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline: Call 1-800-273-8255
- Oregon Suicide Prevention Hotline: Dial 9-8-8