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Title IX Compliance
Linfield University is committed to responding to reports of prohibited conduct and providing supportive resources to individuals who have experienced harm from sexual harassment or misconduct. Linfield's commitment to responding to sexual harassment and other types of interpersonal violence goes beyond federal and state mandates and aims to integrate trauma-informed best practices and equitable and fair processes for all participants.
Requesting supportive measures does not require a person to participate in University process.
Federal Title IX: Compliance Information
Linfield University strives for compliance with federal Title IX mandates as well as state-based Oregon law regarding sexual harassment and other forms of sex-based discrimination.
Title IX Coordinator
Jess Irvine, Grand River Solutions
Email: titleix@linfield.edu
Phone: 503-883-2436
Office: Melrose Hall 108
900 SE Baker St.
McMinnville, OR 97128
Title IX Policy
Linfield University's Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Violence Policy. This policy was last updated and approved in March 2025. Due to recent federal guidance, all reports made for incidents that occurred between August 2024 and March 2025 will be reviewed under the most recently published policy referenced above.
Still have questions?
Email us at knowmore@linfield.edu.