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Faculty and Staff Resources
What resources exist for faculty and staff?
Every student deserves to feel safe. Linfield's Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Violence Policy provides students options in moving forward after experiencing sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence or stalking.
If you have questions or need assistance connecting a student with options or services, contact the Title IX coordinator. Below are some basics on managing a disclosure.
Still have questions?
Email us at knowmore@linfield.edu.
If you are concerned that someone might be in an immediate safety risk, call 9-1-1.
Report an incidentWhat are my reporting obligations?
Every faculty and staff person at Linfield University must report incidences of sexual misconduct and relationship violence to the Title IX coordinator. Once a student is connected with the Title IX coordinator, they can learn more about the options available to them, resources and services available, as well as access assistance with things such as academic and on-campus housing accommodations to ensure they are safe.
Please use this short guide to submit an incident report.
- Using the search bar at the top of the window (circled in red below), search the student’s name you wish to submit a report for.
- When the correct student appears and has been selected, select the student update button under the student’s picture in the snapshot section.
- A new window will open. In this window please select the appropriate report type for the incident in question.
- For any incident that violates Linfield University policy, please use the “General Incident Report.”
- For any incident that is related to sexual misconduct, please use the “Sexual Misconduct Incident Report."
If you have questions about how to report an incident, you can contact the Title IX coordinator or use the online reporting form below.
Jess Irvine
Title IX Coordinator
Grand River Solutions
What are things I can do?
If a student discloses to you that they have experienced sexual misconduct or relationship violence, you may be the first person they have told, the incident may have been recent or currently ongoing, or it may have occurred years ago. Having a person to turn to for support can help somebody not feel alone.
No person is going to get everything right – and that's okay. All you can do is your best when it comes to responding to a disclosure. Below are some helpful tips as well as resources. No person has to move forward alone. If you have questions reach out to the Title IX coordinator.
1. Disclose reporting obligations.
When a student begins to disclose information to you, you should inform the student of your community reporter obligations. This may sound like:
“I’m sorry for interrupting you, I want you to know that I have an obligation to disclose incidents that could be perceived as sexual harassment to the Title IX coordinator who will have to conduct an inquiry into the incident. If you’d like, I can connect you with someone that you can speak with confidentially. They will be able to go over safety and reporting options with you. My primary concern right now is your safety. Do you feel safe?”
“I appreciate that you felt comfortable telling me. No one deserves to experience violence. I have to disclose [name(s) + details known about incident] to the Title IX coordinator so that they can reach out to you and ensure you’re safe and have access support services. My primary concern right now is your safety. Do you feel safe?”
2. Connect student with services and resources.
Provide options and resources. Linfield University is committed to providing options for students who have experienced sexual misconduct and relationship violence. Oftentimes people may not know the different options available to them in receiving support and resources.
On-campus services Off-campus services Supportive Measures3. Refer students to Title IX coordinator.
Community reporters refer students to the Title IX coordinator to ensure that students are connected with support services and a safety plan. After ensuring a student is immediately safe and has the information they need, contact the Title IX Coordinator.
If a student is in immediate danger call Linfield Public Safety at 503-883-SAFE (7233) or 9-1-1.
The Title IX coordinator can assist a student by providing them with information about available support services and options to make a report. Although not confidential, they will provide privacy and respect for student wishes as possible.
Title IX Coordinator
Jess Irvine
4. Regroup and take care of yourself.
Breathe. Evaluate your own needs. Reach out to the Title IX coordinator if you have questions or concerns. It takes all of us to ensure a student has access to the help they need.
Make time to take care of yourself. Having somebody disclose sexual misconduct or relationship violence can have an impact on you and can even trigger your own past experiences.
Faculty and staff resources
There are people both on and off-campus that you can reach out to with questions about support services as well as reporting options. Below you can look through different options to see who may be a good fit. All of the below support options will offer privacy, while some options have additional layers of confidentiality that can be applied to conversations.
You can always ask what someone's obligations are regarding mandatory reporting before sharing information with them. You can also ask questions without disclosing names or specific details about an incident.