Get Involved in Religious Life at Linfield

Throughout the academic year, the chaplain’s office holds events from religious services on significant holidays to informal Bible studies to lectures and panel discussions – and everything in between.

Chaplain's team
The chaplain’s team is made up of student chaplains who assist in planning and leading religious programming throughout the academic year at Linfield. Team members have the opportunity to pursue roles in religious leadership, peer support, community programming, worship planning, sustainability, and acts of justice and service. We offer regular study or discussion groups that are inclusive of all faiths.

Campus fellowship groups
There are a number of independent student-led ministries supported by the chaplain's office, including Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), YoungLife and Catholic Campus Ministry.

Where do religious groups gather?
Most events take place at the Emmaus House, which serves as the hub for religious life at Linfield. In addition to hosting small worship services and religious studies, the Emmaus House also hosts game nights, coffee houses and other fun events.
If you’re looking for a quiet place to pray, meditate or simply spend time in silence, a new meditation room is available in Riley 208. In the meditation room, you’ll find cushions, prayer benches, a singing bowl and various religious texts.
Schedule a one-on-one with us
Both the university chaplain and the student chaplains are available for one-on-one meetings. Simply email our office to set up an appointment.