B.A., B.S. and B.S.N. Degrees
Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree must satisfy a foreign language requirement by successfully completing one of these options:
- One year of study in one language at the elementary level ( 101, 102) for a total of eight credits
- One semester of an intensive elementary-level course (105) for five credits
- One semester at or above the intermediate level (201 or higher)
- RELS 200 and 201 (Greek)
- RELS 202 and 203 (Hebrew)
- RELS 204 and 205 (Sanskrit)
- AP language exam score of 4 or higher
- IB language exam score of 5 or higher
Students entering from high school with language experience or transfer students who have not fulfilled the language requirement take a placement test to determine their appropriate class levels. Waiver of the language requirement is by examination. The language requirement should be completed in the student’s first year. Prospective language students with a weak foundation in English grammar skills are strongly urged to take ENGL 125. International Students on an F-1 visa from countries whose official language is not English are exempt from the foreign language requirement.
When necessary, students with documented learning disabilities in majors which offer the B.A. but not a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree may petition the Curriculum Committee for substitution of courses for the language requirement. This process is not automatic, nor is it always deemed appropriate. Students who intend to make such a request must notify both the Office of Learning Support Services and the registrar no later than the completion of 45 credits. Complete documentation including the diagnosis of the student’s condition and its attendant educational implications must be filed with the Office of Learning Support Services prior to the request.
Candidates for the B.S. degree must successfully complete two courses of at least three credits each in a single field, chosen from the following: anthropology, biology, chemistry, computer science, economics, environmental studies, mathematics, physics, political science, psychology, or sociology. These courses must be outside the department which offers the major, where for the purpose of this requirement only, anthropology (ANTH) and sociology (SOCL) are viewed as separate departments. In addition, these courses may not be simultaneously used to satisfy Linfield Curriculum requirements. If a student completes two majors, the B.S. degree requirement may be fulfilled by two courses from either major, as long as neither course is used to satisfy requirements for both majors. In the case of interdisciplinary majors, the two courses cannot be applied to both major and B.S. requirements.
Candidates for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) degree must successfully complete the requirements for a nursing major.