McMinnville Final Exam Spring Schedule
Spring semester 2025
May 27-30
Please note that Reading Day will be on Thursday, May 22, 2025. Symposium Day will be on Friday, May 23, 2025.
Grades for graduating seniors are due/will be posted by noon on Saturday, May 31, 2025.
Grades for all other students are due/will be posted by noon on Friday, June 6, 2025.
M - Monday
T - Tuesday
W - Wednesday
R - Thursday
F - Friday
If your class starts at this time on these days: | Your final starts at this time on this day: |
8 a.m. Friday |
8:15 or 8:35 a.m. TR |
8 a.m. Thursday |
9 or 9:30 a.m. M-F, MTWR, MTRF, MWRF, TWRF, MWF, MW, WF |
8 a.m. Tuesday |
10 a.m. M-F, MTWR, MTRF, MWRF, TWRF, MWF |
10:30 a.m. Friday |
10 a.m. TR |
10:30 a.m. Tuesday |
11 a.m. M-F, MTWR, MTRF, MWRF, TWRF, MWF, MW |
10:30 a.m. Wednesday |
12:45 or 1:15 p.m. MWF, MW |
1 p.m. Friday |
1 p.m. TR |
1 p.m. Thursday |
2:30 p.m. MWF, MW, WF |
1 p.m. Wednesday |
2:45 p.m. TR |
3:30 p.m. Tuesday |
4:15 p.m. MWF, MW, WF |
3:30 p.m. Wednesday |
4:30 p.m. TR |
3:30 p.m. Thursday |
Finals for classes starting after 4:45 p.m. will be held at the regular starting time the first class day that occurs during finals (e.g. if your class meets TR at 5 p.m., your final will start at 5 p.m. on Tuesday).
No finals are scheduled for paracurricular classes (classes numbered below 100) or for private music lessons, labs, discussion sessions, internships, portfolio credits or independent study courses.
Exceptions to the Final Examination Schedule may be allowed by the Student Policies Committee in response to student or faculty petitions.
In the following cases, you may make arrangements directly with an instructor to change the day/time of the final:
- If you are scheduled for three final exams on the same day
- If you have a documented traumatic illness or injury, death or other desperate condition that suddenly occurs which interferes with effective study and/or test-taking
- Upon the recommendation of Learning Support Services