Safety and Security
Linfield University Public Safety is dedicated to providing a safe and secure environment to the college community.
LPS officers are on duty 24 hours a day and are available by phone at all times. If you come to the Cozine office and an officer is not in, there is a call box outside of Cozine that can reach an officer on duty.
General safety tips
- After dark, it is recommended to walk with a trusted companion. If you feel threatened, call x7233.
- Be aware of your surroundings and any signs that something is amiss or out of place.
- Stay in well-lighted areas and walk away from alleys, dark corners and bushes whenever possible.
- Limit carrying credit cards to one and small sums of money.
- Remember to record serial numbers, makes and models of all valuables including both vehicular and residential electronic devices. Keep this information in a safe place.
- Purses are an attractive target for thieves... don’t carry one if it isn’t necessary.
- Lock your valuables securely, even in your room.
- Mark your property for quick identification. Engravers may be borrowed from the LPS Office.
- Do not risk injury if someone attempts to forcibly take your wallet, purse or personal belongings.
- Carry a whistle and use it if you feel threatened.
- Don’t attach your ID to your keys or mark your key chain with your name and address.
- If University keys or Access Control ID is lost or stolen, notify LPS immediately, as well as residence hall staff (employees should notify their supervisor).
- Get to know your neighbors and share information about suspicious activities.
- Carry a fully charged cell phone.
Residence hall safety and security
During the school year, the Linfield campuses are home to about 2,000 students that live in our residential facilities (dorm room and apartments). Enhancing the safety of residence halls requires attention to some particular security concerns:
- Close exterior doors behind you as you enter your hall. Do not allow anyone to enter who is not accompanied by another resident (Yes, even the pizza guy cannot enter unescorted).
- Escort your visitors to the exterior door when they leave.
- Soliciting and sales are not allowed in the residence halls. Report solicitors you encounter to LPS at x7233 and residence hall staff.
- Do not prop exteriors door (even when it's hot) and un-prop those that you find open.
- If a door lock is broken, call facilities services at x2227 to report it. After hours and on weekends, call LPS at x7233.
- If you live on the ground floor or have a balcony keep your windows and sliders locked.
- Be sure to lock your room door if you will be away, even for a minute. Locking it while you are sleeping is also a good idea.
Office safety and security
Students, staff, faculty, work-study students and student organizations typically work in an office environment. This situation poses a special concern due to the high amount of traffic through buildings and offices. The best plan is to be a good ambassador for your department and the University. If you see someone who appears lost, out of place, or loitering, approach and offer assistance with directions. If their business is legitimate, you have created a good impression. If it is not, you have put the person on notice that security awareness is a priority. You have also taken the opportunity to get a good description. If the answer you get is hostile, evasive or otherwise unsatisfactory, call LPS. If the person is clearly a threat to safety or property or is acting in an unusual manner, avoid contact and call LPS at x7233 or 911 immediately.
Other tips for a safe office are:
- Do not loan out office keys or allow them to be copied.
- Keep your purse, wallet, or other valuables locked in a cabinet or drawer. Office thieves know the usual unlocked “hiding places.”
- If your office will be unattended, even for just a minute, lock the door.
- Record the description and serial numbers of office equipment – especially highly portable computer equipment.
- Keep petty cash locked up at all times and make periodic checks of the amount.
- Lock doors and close windows at the end of the working day.
- Never prop exterior doors.