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Pioneer Hall in spring bloom


A commitment to our campuses and earth

Linfield's mission of "learning, life and community" is more than just a motto – it's a passion and a purpose. The Linfield community extends off its campuses and into Oregon and the world. Our employees, students and alumni are all committed to making a difference in the world and for the world. Learn more about these sustainability efforts.

News and updates from our campuses

Newest initiatives

Linfield community members work in the Cozine Creek area

Linfield named 'green college' by Princeton Review

Linfield University is once again one of the nation’s most environmentally responsible colleges, according to The Princeton Review®.

shovel digging into the ground

Sustainability Living Community opens for housing this fall

Linfield’s Sustainable Living Community welcomes anyone with an interest in the environment and a love for the outdoors.

parking lot on Portland campus

EV chargers added to Portland campus

Two electric vehicle chargers have been added to the Portland campus.

Linfield Garden

Environmental studies major

You can help save the planet. Come join an interdisciplinary, innovative team of award-winning professors and students who are working together to address today’s environmental challenges through three lenses: science, policy or the humanities.
Major in environmental studies
Cozine Creek tour

Cozine Creek Restoration

Linfield partners with other local organizations to improve the ecological function and habitat quality of the land near Cozine Creek.

Learn about the project
Bee next to a camas flower

Camas Festival

Linfield University, the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde and the Greater Yamhill Watershed Council host the annual event dedicated to celebrating camas grown on Linfield's McMinnville campus.
More about the Camas Festival

Greening our campuses

Small choices add up to making a big difference in creating a more sustainable world. We encourage you to utilize these campus resources in your daily activities on campus.

Reusable To-Go Container Program

Dining Services offers a reusable to-go (R2G) container program, making your takeout meal from Dillin a little more green (even if there's no salad on the plate).

Learn more about R2G program

Water bottle refilling stations

Bring your bottle to campus and refill as you go! Linfield's campuses offer more than 20 water bottle filling stations to keep you hydrated and reduce plastic consumption. See locations on the McMinnville campus map and Portland campus map.

Recycling on campus

The McMinnville and Portland campuses have a large quantity of co-mingled and glass recycling containers. Students, employees and guests are encouraged to utilize these for all applicable materials. See locations of the stations on the McMinnville campus and Portland campus.

EV chargers

Both campuses offer EV chargers administered by ChargePoint. The McMinnville campus has stations by Dillin Hall and the softball field, and the Portland campus by Building 2. 
Create your ChargePoint account

McMinnville Preserveware

The Associated Students of Linfield University (ASLU) maintains a set of reusable cups, plates and flatware available to student activities and events at no cost. Students return dishes to Dillin Hall where they are cleaned.

Reserve preserveware in 25Live

Portland Preserveware

Portland Student Life currently offers bowls, cups, plates and silverware for smaller events at no cost. A small dishwasher is available on campus for cleaning dishes prior to returning.
Reserve preserveware in 25Live

Student clubs in McMinnville and Portland

Get involved

Linfield Garden

Started in 2009, the McMinnville campus garden is located next to Renshaw Hall. Cultivate your own plants, while connecting with nature.

Portland Garden

The Portland campus features a community garden on the north side of campus by Building 5. ASLU-PC and the Outdoor Club host regular work days in the garden, open to the Linfield community.