Strategic Plan 2022-27
Uncommonly Inspired
On becoming a master's level comprehensive university
For any organization, strategic planning involves crafting a blueprint for the future and making decisions about how to allocate resources to make that future a reality. Linfield has, for nearly 165 years, helped students find lives of purpose by advancing a mission to connect learning, life and community. That remains true today and will still be true in 2027. Higher education will continue evolving. Uncommonly Inspired was written to be a blueprint for how Linfield stays vibrant.
Guiding themes
Elevate the work already happening at Linfield and make it even more distinct and uncommon, allowing current programs the opportunity to become signature offerings.
Bring to life new possibilities for the university, including academic programs and opportunities for non-tuition revenue sources
Foster collaboration to achieve a future worthy of Linfield's mission and oriented around the success of our students

Download Uncommonly Inspired
Open and download a PDF of Uncommonly Inspired: On becoming a comprehensive master's level university.
Creating our path forward together
From August 2021 to April 2022, hundreds of staff and faculty members participated in that process at Linfield, guided by consultants from Credo, a national leader in strategic planning.
Following all-campus open meetings discussing the future of higher education as well as Linfield-specific opportunities and challenges, the themes of focus (on things we already do), create (on new opportunities to consider) and unite (around student success) were determined. Employees were invited to volunteer on one of the teams to dive deeper into each concept.
Those groups met through the fall and winter, and more open meetings were held in the spring to share their insights. The co-chairs of the groups eventually met with the Leadership Team and, working with consultants, consolidated the three reports into a single plan. That plan was presented to the Linfield University Board of Trustees at its normal spring meeting for approval and will be rolled out to the Linfield community before the 2022-23 academic year begins – along with an implementation guide, timeline and accountability chart.
Linfield’s previous strategic plan was drafted in 2012 and amended in 2017.