Community Factsheets
Community Factsheets
The Fraternity and Sorority Chapter Factsheet shows a snapshot of key measures for each chapter in the governing councils: Interfraternity Council (IFC), and Linfield Panhellenic Council (LPC).
The data is gathered from reporting by each chapter and council.
Information that can be found in our community factsheets:
- Total membership
- Percentage of female/male/all students
- Initiated new members
- Bids extended
- Bids accepted
- Semester GPA (all chapter, active, and new member; unaffiliated; all women; all men; all campus)
- Cumulative GPA (all chapter, active, and new member; unaffiliated; all women; all men; all campus)
- Number and percentage of members on the Dean’s List (3.650 semester GPA or above)
- Philanthropy dollars raised (and for which organization or cause)
- Service hours donated (and hours per member)
View by academic year:
Academic Reports
- 2023: Interfraternity / Panhellenic