Life After Linfield
Our alumni continue to apply their knowledge in the public and private sectors. Many have held influential positions in investment and banking, while others have ventured into other fields and even worked in other countries.
Here are a few examples of positions our graduates have held:
- CEO of Schmitt Industries, a manufacturer of precision instruments and control systems
- Special agent at the IRS
- Senior business systems analyst at Nike
- World Bank consultant in Nepal
- Aviation contact manager at Fluor Government Group in Afghanistan
- Investment director at Schnitzer West LLC
We also have alumni pursuing advanced degrees in finance, economics, urban planning and natural resource economics across the country. The following are some examples of graduate schools alumni have attended or are currently attending:
- University of Washington, Michael G. Foster School of Business
- Portland State University
- Oregon State University
- Colorado State University
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Department of Economics