Pi Kappa Alpha
Pi Kappa Alpha (ΠΚΑ)
International Designation: Delta Rho
Founded: 1868
Came to Linfield: 1950
Values: Scholars, leaders, athletes and gentleman
Organizations supported: Homeward Bound Animal Shelter, Henderson House and Yamhill County Gospel Rescue Mission.
Pi Kappa Alpha was established at Linfield University in 1950. Since the Fraternity stepped foot on campus, thousands of men have been initiated into the Delta Rho chapter. Pi Kappa Alpha members are typically referred to as “Pikes” and have 4 pillars that define them. Scholars, Leaders, Athletes, and Gentlemen, all of which are what Pikes illustrate and live by on a day-to-day basis.
Being a part of Pi Kappa Alpha, you get the sense of a great college experience that will also help you after you graduate. Our Alumni database is a big factor in the current Delta Rho chapter's success. The R.B. Johnson Scholarship (in memory of the great Delta Rho Pike R.B. Johnson) is awarded to Pike brothers annually, typically in the range of $1,500 to $5,000. The Jim Cathey Scholarship typically awards between $5,000 to an upwards of $10,000. The Pi Kappa Alpha International Fraternity also provides Brothers with scholarships. Brothers have gotten internships, jobs and an overall great Fraternal experience through Delta Rho Alumni.
The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity boasts a cultivated brotherhood that is second to none. Being a Pike is eternal, and no matter what interests you have, it is very likely a Pike has one too. Through a one-of-one program called Pike University, Brothers can earn a letter of recommendation to a multitude of Fortune 500 companies, gain the relationships of Alumni, and in general, heavily boost their post-graduate career in ways some organizations cannot.
The Delta Rho chapter is very active in community service and philanthropic endeavors. Delta Rho partners with local McMinnville organization Yamhill County Gospel Rescue Mission annually to provide clothing to the homeless. In Spring 2024, over 300+ items of clothing were donated in collaboration with Linfield Sorority Alpha Phi. Our biggest philanthropy, Walk a Mile, is in collaboration with the local McMinnville organization Henderson House. Since 2016, Pi Kappa Alpha has raised roughly over $60,000 to Henderson House in support of sexual and domestic assault awareness.
In the classroom, Pi Kappa Alpha Delta Rho boasts the highest interfraternal cumulative GPA at 3.1 as of Spring 2024. Out of our 41 brothers, 23 compete in varsity sports such as Soccer, Baseball, Swim, Golf, Tennis, and Wrestling. Being an Athlete and Scholar is a pillar of being a Pi Kappa Alpha brother.
Check out their website: linfieldpikes.com
Follow @linfieldpikes on Instagram!
Contact Pi Kappa Alpha:
- President: Radule Božović
- Recruitment Chair: Charlie Owens