Pinning Ceremony
Honoring our newest nurses
Mark your calendars! The Spring Pinning Ceremony for our prelicensure students will take place on Sunday, June 1, 2025.
Ceremony details
Date: Sunday, June 1, 2025
Time: TBD
Location: Linfield University - McMinnville Campus - Specific location TBD
900 SE Baker St
McMinnville, OR 97128
Parking: parking lot on Linfield Avenue, street parking, Keck Campus (shuttles provided) See map below. Added information on traffic patterns, ADA shuttle pick-up and drop-off points available here.
Student details
Tickets: There are no tickets required for the Spring Pinning Ceremony.
Pinner selection: Select one person (family member, friend, significant other, etc.) as your pinner.
Arrival time: TBD
Attire: business (not caps and gowns). Cords and stoles are completely acceptable.
Professional photos: GradImages will be available for purchase approximately one week after Pinning at www.GradImages.com.
Questions: Email son@linfield.edu.
Accommodations: If you or your family member will need ADA accommodations for the ceremony, please email us at son@linfield.edu. We will do our best to make the ceremony accessible to all. ADA shuttle pick-up & drop-off points are below and on the commencement parking page.