Facilities and Instruments

Linfield's new science complex
The Department of Chemistry is located in the new Linfield University Science Complex. The brand-new state-of-the-art complex has five chemistry labs with shared spaces for biochemistry. Our labs are intended for general, organic, physical and analytical chemistry. There is also an expansive collaborative research area, study nooks, various classrooms and a lecture hall all dedicated to the sciences.
Instruments and equipment
The chemistry department's instrumentation covers a range of spectrometers, chromatographs, electrochemical equipment and specialty equipment for the characterization of materials. We strive to provide the latest instrumentation for use in classes and in support of ongoing research.
Located in the heart of the McMinnville campus, the chemistry and biochemistry departments share spaces and equipment with the physics and biology departments. The inclusive, collaborative design of our new science complex provides access to additional equipment including centrifuges, electron microscope and surface analysis equipment (Auger, STM, TEM).
- Shimadzu UV-2600 scanning spectrophotometer with Peltier temperature controller
- Shimadzu RF-6000 scanning spectrofluorimeter
- Shimadzu BioSpec-nano - micro-volume photo-diode spectrophotometer
- Shimadzu AA-6300 atomic absorption spectrometer
- Ocean Optics photo-diode spectrophotometer/spectrofluorimeter with temperature controlled cell
- Ocean Optics photo-diode spectrophotometer (4)
- Vernier SpectroVis (10)
- Brüker Alpha Series FT-IR with ATR accessory
- DeltaNu Solution 532 Raman spectrometer (with NuScope and macro Raman capabilities)
- Raman microscope (532 and 632 nm lasers, CVI Digikrom 0.25-m monochromator, Apogee thermoelectrically cooled CCD)
Magnetic Resonance:
- Anasazi FT-NMR (Varian magnet with ¹H and ¹³C probe)
- Shimadzu GCMS QP2010S - Capillary Gas Chromatograph with mass spectrum detector with autosampler
- Shimadzu GC2014 Gas Chromatograph - Packed/530 μm columns with Flame Ionization and Thermal
- Conductivity detectors with autosampler
- Agilent 1260/1290 Infinity II - High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (with autosampler and UV detector)
- General Electric ÄKTA Pure - Fast Protein Liquid Chromatograph
- Pine Instruments - AFCBP1 Bipotentostat with rotating disc electrode
- EG&G Princeton Applied Research Model 264A Polarographic Analyzer/Stripping Voltameter
- EG&G Princeton Applied Research Model 379 Digital Coulometer
- EG&G Princeton Applied Research Model 362 Scanning Potentiostat
- Pine Instruments WaveNow potentiostat
Surface and materials synthesis and characterization
- Brookhaven ZetaPlus Zeta Potential Analyzer
- Nanosight LM10 - particle size analyzer
- Nima Technology Model 611 Langmuir-Blodgett Trough
- Tousimis Sandri-795 Critical Point Dryer
Other instruments
- Anton Paar Alcolyzer with Laboratory Density Meter DMA 4500M
- Rudolph Research Analytical Autopol I 100mm Polarimeter with Peltier temperature controller
- 2 - PSSC Labs Dual hex-core Xeon webservers - Gaussian workstations
- Vacuum Atmosphere Co. HE-63-P dry box