Linfield United in Pride (LUP)
Linfield United in Pride (LUP) is our Queer Student Union (QSU).
LUP provides a space for students to talk about experiences and learn about sexuality and gender with a focus on LGBTQIA+ social climates at Linfield and globally.
The club organizes events to raise awareness and acceptance of LGBTQIA+ identities as well as to celebrate them. Most recently, and in partnership with other departments and clubs on campus, LUP brought Portland-based leader, educator and speaker Trystan Reese to us virtually for a conversation on International Transgender Day of Visibility.
As a QSU, LUP also serves as a platform for creating a more inclusive Linfield regarding gender and sexuality diversity. LUP is open to all queer and trans students, as well as allies and those interested in learning more!
Celebrating Pride on Campus
Voices of Linfield