Register to Vote
To register to vote in Oregon, you must be a U.S. citizen, an Oregon resident and at least 17 years old. Online registration requires a current Oregon driver's license or state ID card.
Register Now Voting resource guideElections in Oregon
All regular elections in Oregon are held on one of four days each year, except in cases of emergency. The election days are:
- Second Tuesday in March
- Third Tuesday in May
- Third Tuesday in September
- First Tuesday after the first Monday in November
Elections are conducted by mail. Voters who are registered as of the 21st day before an election are mailed a ballot to vote and return by election day.
At the primary election, voters who are registered in the major political parties, currently the Democratic and Republican parties, nominate candidates to run in the general election. All voters may vote on nonpartisan contests, such as judicial elections, which are also held at the primary election. Most statewide ballot measures are on the general election ballot.
Find out more about registering to vote in another state.
Registering to vote
Registration by mail was authorized by the 1975 Legislature and is now the method most people use to register to vote in Oregon. Forms are located in most banks and public buildings, in every county elections office and in many state agencies. Forms also can be obtained from the Office of the Secretary of State, Elections Division, 255 Capitol St. NE, Suite 501, Salem 97310.
To register to vote, a person must be a resident of Oregon and be able to answer “yes” to the following questions on the voter registration card: *A voter registration card received in an elections office after the deadline date meets the registration deadline if it has a timely, valid postmark.
- “Are you a citizen of the United States of America?” and
- “Are you at least 17 years of age?”
If you are 17 years of age, you will not receive a ballot until an election occurs on or after your 18th birthday.
New laws require that people must provide identifying information to register to vote. A person registering to vote is asked to provide identification only if they are a new registrant in the state. Identification is not required for updates.
As of January 1, 2006, individuals must provide a current, valid Oregon Driver and Motor Vehicles (DMV) Driver License or identification (ID) card. If the individual does not have a current, valid Oregon DMV Driver License/ID, the last four digits of the individual’s Social Security number must be provided. If the individual has neither a current, valid Oregon DMV Driver License/ID nor a Social Security number, the individual must affirm this and, if they are registering by mail, must provide a copy of one of the following:
- Valid photo identification
- Paycheck stub
- Utility bill
- Bank statement
- Government document
- Or proof of eligibility under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act or the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act