Michael Huntsberger
Michael Huntsberger Associate Professor Emeritus

Renshaw 205
Professor Huntsberger has worked as a manager, producer, engineer and consultant in commercial, educational, public and community media since 1980. He is the author of The emergence of community radio in the United States: A historical examination of the National Federation of Community Broadcasters; book chapters in Community Radio in the 21st Century, the Palgrave Handbook of Global Radio, Digital Radio in Europe – Technologies, Industries & Cultures, and The Public in Public Media; articles in the Journal of Radio & Audio Media, Mass Communication Quarterly, Interactions – Studies in Communication and Culture, Southern Review, Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, the Journal of Media Education, the Journal of Mass Media Ethics, and the Encyclopedia of Journalism (Sage 2nd ed.); and online content for the Public Radio News Directors Guide. His research focuses on public service media, media policy and technology. He is the producer of the interactive multimedia documentary Waiting for Peace: The Journals and Correspondence of a World War II Combat Medic. He has taught courses in media history, media ethics, electronic media writing, audio production, video production, interactive multimedia production, radio production and programming, sports media, and media in Europe. In addition, he has taught the introductory colloquium, inquiry seminar and journalism and media studies capstone courses. Professor Huntsberger is the former chair of the Radio & Audio Media division of the Broadcast Education Association.
- B.A., music technology emphasis, The Evergreen State College
- Ph.D., communication and society, University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication