Thesis Binding
The Jereld R. Nicholson Library retains a bound copy of all senior theses in the Linfield Archives. Some departments also keep bound copies and students have the option to purchase personal copies.
All students who write senior theses should bring their approved and signed thesis copies to Amanda Fleming in the Jereld R. Nicholson Library (Room 145). In addition to signed copies, students must also complete and submit a Thesis Checklist and a Copyright Release Form. We cannot process any thesis without these two forms being completed.
Frequently asked questions
How much does it cost? Currently, personal copies are $25 each. There is no charge for the single copy which is retained in the Linfield Archives.
My advisor or department chair wants a copy. What do I do? Print out an additional copy of your thesis and submit it as well, and make sure to indicate you need a department copy on your Thesis Checklist. Students are not charged for departmental copies. We will work with individual departments to obtain the correct department account number.
When can I expect my bound thesis? Theses submitted during spring semester are usually sent to your mailing address sometime in August. If your thesis is submitted at a different time of the year, make arrangements with Amanda Fleming.
What sort of paper should I use to print my thesis? Standard printer paper is fine! You may prefer to print on higher quality paper, but it is certainly not required.
What kind of margins should I use for my thesis? Standard document margins are acceptable.
Should I print my thesis as single-sided or double-sided? Double-sided copies are acceptable for personal copies, but the library copy should be single-sided.
How can I get my advisor to sign off on my thesis? If you are unable to have your advisor sign your thesis in person, faculty will be able to submit approval via an email to collections management.
How do I get my thesis posted in DigitalCommons@Linfield? If you've had your thesis approved for inclusion in DigitalCommons@Linfield, email a copy to digitalcommons@linfield.edu. Once your thesis has been processed and uploaded, we will notify you.