Cozine Creek Restoration Project
The Cozine Restoration Project (CRP) is an ongoing partnership that has developed through a series of phases over the years.
This project focuses on developing outreach and educational materials to improve communication with private property owners, stakeholders and those interested in participating or learning more about the CRP.
Currently, Linfield University, the Greater Yamhill Watershed Council (GYWC), the City of McMinnville, MV Advancements and property owners along the south bank of Cozine Creek and west side of Davis street have solidified an agreement. This agreement will help improve the ecological function and habitat quality of their respective properties adjacent to Cozine Creek.
To initiate that effort, Linfield University’s senior environmental studies (ENVS) students are developing a grant proposal to seek funding through the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB). This grant would support the implementation of management and restoration actions that will occur over the next three years.
With the help of Linfield faculty and the GYWC, students are documenting baseline ecological conditions, as well as landowner and other stakeholder concerns and preferences. The process and results associated with the development of outreach and educational materials for this current phase of the CRP are described in more detail below.
Linfield University
Land Acknowledgment
At Linfield, we recognize that the land that our physical campuses are located on were the traditional territories of the “Yam Hill” band of the Kalapuya people in McMinnville and the Chinookan peoples known as the Clackamas and Cascade Tribes in Portland. In January 1855, the people of these tribes were forcibly removed from the land after the signing of the Willamette Valley Treaty. They are now among 30 tribes and bands that make up the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde.