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Fourth annual

Camas Festival

Friday, May 9, 2025

10 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Celebrating Camas

For generations, purple camas lilies have been cultivated, traded and consumed by the Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest including the Kalapuya, who were removed to the Grand Ronde Indian Reservation in 1855. Though much sparser now than in the days it turned the Willamette Valley purple each spring, it remains a central piece of Kalapuyan lifeways.


Friday, May 9, 2025

All events take place in and around Nicholson Library unless otherwise noted. 

10 a.m. – Opening remarks (Linfield and Tribal leaders)

Ongoing activities:

  • Outside tables: Greater Yamhill Watershed Council (GYWC), Yamhill Soil & Water Conservation District (YSWCD), Linfield environmental studies, McMinnville Public Library, Camas Journal, kid’s activities
  • Inside tables: Chachalu, Maker’s Marketplace, Third Street Books
  • Art gallery exhibit: Stephanie Craig, basket weaver and ethnobotanist

Guided tours of campus camas patch:

  • 10:30 a.m.
  • 11:30 a.m.
  • 12:30 p.m.

10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. – Indigenous Maker’s Marketplace

1:30 p.m. – Speaker: Joe Scott presenting "Revitalizing Cultural Burning in the Willamette Valley"

3 p.m. – Speaker: Dr. David Lewis presenting “Tribal Histories of the Willamette Valley”

4:30 p.m. – Festival closes

Nicholson Library is located off SE Lever Street in McMinnville. Parking is available in several lots adjacent to the library, and visitors may park in any non-reserved location. 

Photos from 2024

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Linfield University

Land Acknowledgment

At Linfield, we recognize that the land that our physical campuses are located on were the traditional territories of the “Yam Hill” band of the Kalapuya people in McMinnville and the Chinookan peoples known as the Clackamas and Cascade Tribes in Portland. In January 1855, the people of these tribes were forcibly removed from the land after the signing of the Willamette Valley Treaty. They are now among 30 tribes and bands that make up the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde.