Explore Linfield's Residence Halls and Suburbs
Residence halls
As a residential campus, all students are required to live on campus through the third year – with their first two years in residence halls (dorm rooms), while our third-year students have the option of living in an on-campus apartment.
All campus living arrangements are well equipped with the comforts of home and located within a 10-minute walk from most classes, the library, dining hall and athletic facilities.
As a result of their experience in University Housing, residents will cultivate understanding of and develop skills in the following three areas: wellbeing, identity and community, and cultural competence. Through developing these areas of growth, residents will move on from Linfield prepared for living in community throughout adulthood.
As a result of living in University Housing, residents will be able to:
- Employ skills for holistic wellness, such as connecting with and supporting others, practicing self-care, and using healthy coping mechanisms.
- Celebrate and demonstrate respect for differences in cultures, identities, and social backgrounds as well as how these factors influence their own perspectives and those of others.
- Reflect on and identify personal growth areas, strengths, and skills, and how these are influenced through interconnection with community.
Co-ed Residence Halls
Female Only Residence Halls
Male Only Residence Hall
Suburb residences: apartment living
Our living communities are so great more than 40% of our seniors choose to live on campus.
Additional housing information
Themed Communities
Gender-inclusive housing
If you have any questions about your future living situation, please contact us.