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Belén Cañestro Valverde

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Belén Cañestro Valverde
Spanish Language Teaching Assistant

Walker Hall

I’m from Seville, Spain, a beautiful city rich in history and culture. Driven by my passion for languages, history, and cultures, I pursued a double degree in Humanities and Translation & Interpretation at Pablo de Olavide University. Over those five years, I had the opportunity to study various languages, such as Arabic, and deepen my knowledge of others, like English. Additionally, I explored the cultures and histories of different regions worldwide, which sparked my love for Latin American history and led me to specialize in that field.

Last year, I completed a Master’s degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language at the same university. Now, I am about to begin my PhD focusing on the history of Latin America, specifically Puerto Rico, through the lens of reggaeton. I’m really excited to be at Linfield and look forward to developing both professionally and personally during my time here.